WiccaSources Blog

WiccaSources Blog incites all Pagans from around the world to unite for freedom of speech. The virtual gathering place counts with the presence of mainstream Pagan writers in direct interview in support for the Pagan Community.

Monday, July 31, 2006

Why you Should Become a Pagan Activist

  • Why You Should Become a Pagan Activist

-Because you can (and should) help co-creating our world

-Because Pagans have been misunderstood for too long and it is time to clarify things once and for all. Paganism has been overly mystified over the years and when things finally seem to begin getting brighter, another mischievous issue rises. You owe it to yourself and to everyone who has ever suffered from someone else’s ignorance. You owe it to your children, if you mean to raise educated children so they can chose their religion in an educated way.

  • - Because tomorrow, you might be the one to need help and support. We give and we take.
  • - Because Mother Earth needs you and as a Pagan, you feel connected with Earth’s energies and have learned that without them you would be severed from one of the most significant tenets of your beliefs. Your Mother is worth fighting for.
  • - Because as a Pagan, you are an ecological and active human being, well aware of your responsibilities .It is one of the major Pagan beliefs that we get what we give; with that belief we learn that we can act in our surroundings and cause great impact in the outer world; with this power great responsibility arises.
  • - Because if you will not do it, none else will.
  • - Because there can never be enough of us. The time is now…- Because Pagans are peaceful but also strong and active; we won’t let our future in no one’s hands
  • - Because we are warriors and there is no fairer fight than fighting for your rights.

    By Vera Carvalho. All rights reserved.

posted by Satyia @ 3:45 AM  


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