Conversations with God, The MovieThe true story about the life of record-breaking New York Times bestselling author Neale Donald Walsch
Observations by Erik Karl Fulkerson
I am so glad I trusted my intuition. “This might be good,” was the subtle thought echoing in my mind as I watched the trailer. How many times have I not listen to the inner knowing, the subtle voice inside, my gut feeling, only to discover later despite any outward logic, my intuition turned out correct.
I needed to see this movie complete, and more than that, I wondered if my kids would enjoy watching the true story about Neale Donald Walsch. Now there would be a real test!
What a daunting task to tell the true story of how the magnificently sacred works of the Conversations With God books came to be written. What actor could possibly be able to play Neale Donald Walsch with believability?
Gratefully receiving an advance screener of the film I sat down to watch. As the ending credits rolled I said to myself, “We have a winner.”
I found it to be beautifully written, very well crafted, superbly directed. I give high praise and credit for the films success to actor Henry Czerny, playing the lead role as Neale. Having the distinct pleasure of spending time with Neale on a few occasions, I found Henry Czerny's portrayal tremendous in capturing the feeling, look, mannerism, intonation, and character of Neale Donald Walsch. Henry Czerny's masterful acting skill was pivotal in making the film great.
“There but for the grace of God, go I.” How many of us have said that to ourselves numerous times? I know I certainly have. How many of us have felt the fear of thinking we are just one paycheck away from being homeless as Neale once became? Too many times in my early corporate career did I feel such a fear. I believe this film will touch us all more deeply than we might first think; speaking to those fears prevalent in our lives all of us at some time have experienced.
Now for the Kid Test. Gather ye children did I, although it did take a little cajoling…well, bribery may be more accurate…which seem to persuade them to sit and watch. Their comments say it best, “That was really great.” “Did that really happen?” “I liked it. It was good.”
Perhaps a tougher test may be the older 18 to 25 demographic, with a couple of 14 year olds thrown into the mix. A few phone calls and couple of days later I had collected a half a dozen in this range. Much to my delight, and admittedly surprise, they also loved the film and found it inspiring, emotionally moving, and it prompted more questions about the real Neale and the Conversations With God books. A request I most joyfully fulfilled.
I feel this film may become another bridge for kids, teens, and adults to become more inspired about their spiritual life and their own private conversations with God.
I loved the movie, in particular Henry Czerny. The story is so well told and crafted by Eric Delabarre you are held intently till the very end, wanting more. Always a sign of a truly great film, and it could very well be another award winning film from Stephen Simon, his directing and production talent once again shining bright.
Don't miss this film, and if you desire like me, to see more films from the Spiritual Cinema genre, then it is vital you see this film in the theaters during its release. Go twice. Bring everyone you know. Tell everyone about it. Help carry the message to Hollywood the genre of Spiritual Cinema is real and supported.
The film will be released Friday, October 27th , to theaters around the country and November 10th in Canada. It is to these theaters where the support for a spiritual cinema film genre will be measured. If you want to see more of spiritual cinema in mainstream movie theaters, movies about heart and soul, then it is vital you go see Conversations With God, The Movie at one of these theaters. Look for a theater near you and watch the trailer at .